
Another Solar Circumnavigation

Today, I’m the birthday boy.

I know I’ve had some rheumatoid arthritis issues lately, but aside from that, and certainly mentally, I don’t feel my age.

Kathy went back to work today and I had the opportunity off working overtime, so that was a weird sort of present to myself. Weird yes, but it’s the bigger pay packet next week that’s the present.

I’m going to try and write more this year and with more detail. For that, I need to be more spontaneous. I remember a lot less about moods and feelings if I’m writing this up some days later.

The dictation on the iPhone is pretty good these days,  and I intend to use that more, but I can only do that when I’m in a personal space.

Another thing I want to do is take more random photographs. Yes, I do go out with my camera and do some street photography, but I want to get more casual daily snaps; they can be on the camera or on the iPhone too.

It’s a nice sunny day out there today, but it’s chilly. It was several degrees below freezing this morning when I got up at 4.45 am and it’s not much warmer now at almost midday.

I got finished at work at 3 pm and headed straight home. I thought about going to the pub, but there were some parcels to pick up from the neighbours so I thought it best to get that out of the way. Of course, once I was indoors in the warm, I didn’t want to go out again. Also, I was planning on making dinner at home, and going to the pub after 4 pm would almost certainly mean we would eat there, and we did that just last evening. The food is very good, but it doesn’t do wonders for the household budget!

After getting the new coffee machine, I had a poke around with the settings. You can set up to four separate people profiles. I decided to check out a latté. That isn’t a drink I usually have as it’s too milky for me. I chose an XL size and intensity 3 on the machine. It was too milky and not strong enough, and it was right to the brim of my mug. So, I set the size to L, and the intensity to 4. I’ll try again tomorrow perhaps!

I’m making rump steak, sautéed potatoes, and broccoli for dinner this evening. A photo, I hear you ask? No, we were too hungry, and forgot all about taking one!


Back in 2007

I had just joined Facebook, and I was writing down some of my daily activities. I was mostly working from home in those days, so I was reliant on both a computer and the Internet. A couple of the things we still debate is how we would or wouldn’t cope without the Internet, and how much time spent online is too much. Here is such a post from back then…


Yesterday afternoon a passing thunderstorm co-incided with a complete loss of cable service.

Now here at Kimjac Towers we are pretty much reliant on it, as we use it for the Internet, for the TV, and for the phone.

For the first few minutes, I kept thinking that it would come up again in just a moment, but it didn’t, and then I resolved that I didn’t need to have the net to get some tasks done; that I could live without it for a while.

That was it really. Internet. No, l’m not an Internet addict, but I do rely on it for much of my work, and also for entertainment at times, and as a general information source.

There is that question, and reply from some:

“What would you do without the Internet? When I was growing up we didn’t have it!”

OK, well to respond to that is quite simple. When I was growing up, I didn’t have Internet. I didn’t get my first simple computer until I was 22. That, folks, was a Sinclair ZX81, with 1K RAM. I added a 16K RAM pack to it. Yes 16K, you read it correctly.

In 1985, I got a Commodore 64. I then heard about an online service called Compunet. I signed up. I’ve been online ever since. 1987 was the year I got my first PC. Even back then I wanted a “serious” machine, rather than a games system. It came with 640K RAM, a 12 inch VGA monitor (Standard VGA was 256 colors at 640 x 480), and a 30MB Hard Drive. It also had one of the new 3.5inch floppy drives. The whole thing cost around $2,000.

It came with MS-DOS 3.3, and a set of disks marked Windows 1.0 I installed Windows 1.0, and there was a GUl, with some widget things like a notepad, and a clock, and a very simple Word processor, and that was about it. I took it off, as it was not really much use. I stayed firmly in the DOS camp for the next 6 years. The only reason I finally gave in, and put Windows 3.1 on my computer, was that I wanted to be able to look at this new-fangled World Wide Web, and I couldn’t do that in DOS – well not graphically anyway. I’d gotten my first proper Internet account in 1993, and wanted to go explore.

For me though, the most exciting thing was email! I could communicate with all these people everywhere – well I could once I got everyone else I knew on the net too!

What’s the Internet? What’s a modem? Why do I want that?

Now we take it pretty much for granted, and miss it when it goes out.

So to the person that makes the statement about how we lived before it – yes we did of course. Same as we did before the mobile phone, digital camera, telephone, television, radio, and even electricity. There are still plenty of elderly folks in rural America that will tell you about life on a farm without electricity, and how the REA from 1935 onwards bought light into their homes.

So back to yesterdays outage. What did I do? I did some local file maintenance on the network, and then took the opportunity to get away from the computer for a while and go read a book.

After all, the computer is one of our slaves, not our master, right?

What did I learn from this? I learned that it is a good idea to have some non-Internet tasks in the to-do list, so that during a time of outage I can still get on with some work.

I still do not let the computer become my master either, but treat it as a useful tool with which to work, communicate and also entertain. However, I also make sure I have a back-up. A physical notebook, a regular telephone, music to listen to, and books to read.


Loosening A Bit

The lockdown has started to loosen. There are more people about, but nowhere near normal amounts. I think the buses will start getting back to normal soon. Front door opening will return, after drivers’ cabs have been sealed more firmly. Nothing can be made 100% of course.

There’s a debate now going on at work about air-conditioning. Some buses have an airflow that goes around the passenger area and the drivers cab. Some of these buses can be modified, but some can’t. Those that can’t will be turned off. This is causing complaints about overheating in the warm weather. It’s not an easy situation.

Most of the staff that were off work have now returned although we do have staff furloughed and some still off sick, but nowhere near the amount we had just a few weeks ago.

It’s been a lovely day here today. Sunny and warm with afternoon temperatures reaching 82°F (27°C). It’s a warm dry evening too.

Getting some web work done this evening before turning in for the night.


That Was Tuesday

I had a few issues to deal with as soon as I got to work today. Got everything sorted though. Waded through some emails, answering some, and finding out more information about others.

I had some random drug tests to witness around lunchtime, and then I eventually got to sit down and have a sandwich and a coffee or two. As there’s nowhere open at work to get coffee, I take a flask in with me each day.

I got home just after 5pm, and had leftovers from yesterday for dinner; sliced roasted pork and bean salad which was tasty.

I then did some web site work, before settling down for the night.


Another Monday In May

Yes, it’s Monday. It’s a Monday in May. It could be a Wednesday in July or a Friday in February though. All the days are so similar. I’m still going to work, so it must be even worse for those who are not and are at home every single day.

Me, Myself.
In the office.

I was half expecting a lot more people out and about after Boris’ announcement yesterday evening, but really, thinking about it, I think the trickle of extra people will turn into more of a flood by the end of the week and into next week.

Pate sandwiches and a couple of hard-boiled eggs were the order of the day for lunch washed down with a flask of coffee. Such gourmet eating!

I got some email and some walking about and checking done around the garage during the shift. I went home around 4pm.

Kathy made a nice dinner, which was a stir fry with spinach and onions and chickpeas to accompany a rainbow trout fillet.

Rainbow Trout with chickpea and spinach stir-fry.

After dinner we ate up some ripe mango, before it got TOO ripe, and then had some cheese and crackers and salami. This was part of the box we got last week, which was delivered by Cheddar Deli in West Ealing. Very tasty indeed.

Watched a couple more episodes of ‘Trying’ and then I retired upstairs to finish a little computer work and then to listen to some more of the Audiobook ‘The Philosopher’s Toolkit’.


VE 75

Today is the 75th anniversary of VE day; when Europe was finally at peace. The war in the Far East was to drag on for several more months though.

VE 75
75th Anniversary of VE Day

There were many celebrations planned around the country. It’s a warm dry day today too. However, with the Covid-19 lockdown we have to stage virtual, socially distanced parties. Still I’m sure many folks will still find a way to enjoy the occasion. It’s also a time for reflection of those that didn’t make it through the war.

Myself I’m at work today. Still checking up on what’s happening around the workplace and making sure all the protections and precautions are still in place.


Still on Lockdown

Several weeks have passed and we’re still on lockdown. Essential workers only to travel. That’s not really happening as too many people are travelling on buses that don’t need to be now that it’s free.

The back door thing means that passengers are separated from drivers, but that doesn’t stop the passengers from standing or sitting far too close together. That, in itself, is going to have a detrimental effect on the spread of Covid-19 and means we could keep spreading it around longer and suffer the trials and tribulations of lockdown for longer.

I’m busy reporting and recording anything I find that contravenes health and safety and Government guidelines around the workplace.

Coffee Break
Taking time out for a coffee.

It’s time again to go and make some safety checks around the garage, once I’ve sunk this coffee.


Friday The 13th

I’m not superstitious. No really, I’m not. I truly believe that some people allow their stress and anxiety levels to rise quite unnecessarily over such things. The same as with astrology; I don’t believe in that stuff either!

Today turned out to be a quiet day on a personal basis. Got into the office around eight am. Although I’m getting told there is less traffic on the roads and less people in the shops and less folks moving around outside generally, the bus was certainly busy in the rush hour with commuters and school kids.

There was little going on with stuff at work. I was hoping for a meeting with the General Manager but he wasn’t around so that didn’t happen. I emailed him anyway. I always email because then I have an auditable trail I can follow.

In the office.

I didn’t stay at work late as I was not in demand and I had done several extra hours on Wednesday in any case.

On the way home I stopped by the Queen’s Head for a couple of pints and a chicken tikka baguette. I didn’t stay too long; about an hour and a half. I walked home and got some dinner ready. I found some wiser pounder burgers in the freezer and they went nicely with some sauerkraut and salad.

After dinner we watched some programmes on BBC2 and retired to bed around 9.30pm.


Thursday Stuff

Got to the office quite smart as I had meetings starting at nine a.m. and I wanted to be prepared. Actually, I was the first there, and I had to wait for everyone else!

After our monthly JCC meeting between Union and Management, we followed this with our Health & Safety meeting. Much of the meeting was taken up with Coronavirus of course.

Is the company doing enough? It’s felt by many that they don’t really care too much. I tried to point out that it wasn’t only the welfare of employees at stake here, but the stability of the business itself if this pandemic truly takes a hold and we end up on some kind of national lockdown.

Ian in the office
Getting Stuff Done…

After the meetings I got some admin work done. Then I headed home. I made burgers and sauerkraut and salad for dinner. Watched a little TV and then headed off to bed around 8.30pm.


Ballot & Phone

I was up earlier this morning, around 5.45am

Got to work before seven. Today was the day for the pay ballot. It was a long day. Got wrapped up and left around 5.45pm.

The result locally and also across the company was an overwhelming rejection so the talks go on.

Met Kathy from work at Cranford Supermarket and got my new phone to replace Monday’s unfortunate incident.

Picked up some fried chicken at Munchiez and went home.

Started with the phone exiting but it wasn’t going to be that simple as I was running a beta on the XS Max so I couldn’t simply install an iCloud backup. I had to set the 11 Pro Max up manually and then install the beta profile, download the beta and install it. Then I had to back up the XS Max to iCloud and then restore that to the 11. It took a few hours but I got there in the end.

And so to bed!