
Thursday Stuff

Got to the office quite smart as I had meetings starting at nine a.m. and I wanted to be prepared. Actually, I was the first there, and I had to wait for everyone else!

After our monthly JCC meeting between Union and Management, we followed this with our Health & Safety meeting. Much of the meeting was taken up with Coronavirus of course.

Is the company doing enough? It’s felt by many that they don’t really care too much. I tried to point out that it wasn’t only the welfare of employees at stake here, but the stability of the business itself if this pandemic truly takes a hold and we end up on some kind of national lockdown.

Ian in the office
Getting Stuff Done…

After the meetings I got some admin work done. Then I headed home. I made burgers and sauerkraut and salad for dinner. Watched a little TV and then headed off to bed around 8.30pm.