
Ballot & Phone

I was up earlier this morning, around 5.45am

Got to work before seven. Today was the day for the pay ballot. It was a long day. Got wrapped up and left around 5.45pm.

The result locally and also across the company was an overwhelming rejection so the talks go on.

Met Kathy from work at Cranford Supermarket and got my new phone to replace Monday’s unfortunate incident.

Picked up some fried chicken at Munchiez and went home.

Started with the phone exiting but it wasn’t going to be that simple as I was running a beta on the XS Max so I couldn’t simply install an iCloud backup. I had to set the 11 Pro Max up manually and then install the beta profile, download the beta and install it. Then I had to back up the XS Max to iCloud and then restore that to the 11. It took a few hours but I got there in the end.

And so to bed!