
The Weekend Went

These days I often get the weekends off. In normal times it doesn’t matter much to me about Saturday as Kathy usually works. I do like to have Sunday off when possible though as we can have some time together. Right now, with the Covid-19 lockdown still pretty much in place, it hasn’t mattered much as Kathy has been at home on furlough.

That’s changing though as she goes back to work, albeit on part-time hours, from Tuesday. I think she might find that a bit difficult in that she’s gotten used to sitting up half the night watching movies on TV and sleeping in late. I’ve not really changed my habits, as I’ve been going to work all through the lockdown period in any case.

We really haven’t been out at all, except to the stores at the end of the street; for me it’s just been to work and back and that’s it. We’ve been lucky with the weather and been able to sit outside. I’ve also taken advantage of online deliveries when possible. Some, like coffee beans, weren’t really affected, save for slightly longer shipping times. Others, like supermarket deliveries, stopped altogether for a while. I’ve also sourced cask ale from a local micropub and cheese from a cheesemonger. I do feel it’s important to support these local businesses as they’re surely likely to be less able to weather the storm than some of the larger operations.

This past weekend was a typical lockdown weekend for us. Just got up and pottered around the house and garden. I had some strawberry plants in pots arrive; also planted some runner beans and took delivery of a lime tree, that is able to be repotted into something bigger. The theory is that it won’t grow too large and we can bring it inside during the winter. The roses are blooming well and we’ve had blooms from all three bushes. The scent is rather delightful in the living room!

Didn’t watch any actual TV over the weekend, but found some interesting YouTube videos to watch. Some old railway, some travel documentaries. Mostly stuff you don’t see on the TV. One I found very interesting was a tour around the Admundsen-Scott base station at the South Pole.

As always though, the days off (and it makes no difference what days of the week they are) soon went and it’s back to the grind.


Simply Saturday

Awake at 6.15am. Early of course, because I didn’t;’t need to get up for work today! That’s just typical. I made a pot of coffee and took it back to bed and spent a half hour or so reading the news on my iPhone.

Morning Coffee

I get dressed and wandered down to the kitchen and cooked bacon eggs, tomatoes and crumpets for breakfast. More coffee to wash it down.

I cleaned the patio windows. No fancy cleaners, just white vinegar and kitchen paper towel does a good job.

Then I spent some time on the Mac, one of the tasks being to write this!

I had a surprise for Kathy in the afternoon. I found a new place in Feltham that has just opened and is doing Creole and Cajun Food. We ordered a seafood boil and it was delicious. I can’t post a picture of it, because it was so good we got stuck right in and ate half of it before I thought about a photo!

In the garden, our rose bushes, which are really quite a humble affair, are producing some nice blooms. The ones we have we chose for the fragrance, but nonetheless they are quite beautiful to look at too.

Beautiful Blooms

In the evening, I enjoyed a few beers while we watched some old soul shows from YouTube on TV. Didn’t go to bed until around 11.30pm, which is quite late for me these days.


No Rubies This Tuesday

Awake and up and about before seven as I had to be at the office by eight for a meeting. In fact there were a series of meetings going on all morning.

Eventually, I got to walk around and deal with a few issues. We’ve got masks but we need to split them into workable amounts before we can issue them. It’s all in hand though.

I didn’t stop until the afternoon when I finally got around to eating my lunch. I finally got away from work just after four and arrived home around five.

Kathy made a delicious dinner of boneless pork belly with potatoes and carrots. I was too hungry to take a photo of it!

A stroll in the garden revealed some roses blooming on two of the three buses we have. Here’s one of them.

A Whiter Shade Of Pale

A beer was in order with a little mouth watering cooking with Nigel Slater on the TV. I noticed though that I really do need a haircut…

Wild Hair!

Headed off to bed around 9.30pm. I don’t remember ten…