
Still on Lockdown

Several weeks have passed and we’re still on lockdown. Essential workers only to travel. That’s not really happening as too many people are travelling on buses that don’t need to be now that it’s free.

The back door thing means that passengers are separated from drivers, but that doesn’t stop the passengers from standing or sitting far too close together. That, in itself, is going to have a detrimental effect on the spread of Covid-19 and means we could keep spreading it around longer and suffer the trials and tribulations of lockdown for longer.

I’m busy reporting and recording anything I find that contravenes health and safety and Government guidelines around the workplace.

Coffee Break
Taking time out for a coffee.

It’s time again to go and make some safety checks around the garage, once I’ve sunk this coffee.


Thursday Stuff

Got to the office quite smart as I had meetings starting at nine a.m. and I wanted to be prepared. Actually, I was the first there, and I had to wait for everyone else!

After our monthly JCC meeting between Union and Management, we followed this with our Health & Safety meeting. Much of the meeting was taken up with Coronavirus of course.

Is the company doing enough? It’s felt by many that they don’t really care too much. I tried to point out that it wasn’t only the welfare of employees at stake here, but the stability of the business itself if this pandemic truly takes a hold and we end up on some kind of national lockdown.

Ian in the office
Getting Stuff Done…

After the meetings I got some admin work done. Then I headed home. I made burgers and sauerkraut and salad for dinner. Watched a little TV and then headed off to bed around 8.30pm.