
Loosening A Bit

Loosening A Bit

The lockdown has started to loosen. There are more people about, but nowhere near normal amounts. I think the buses will start getting back to normal soon. Front door opening will return, after drivers’ cabs have been sealed more firmly. Nothing can be made 100% of course.

There’s a debate now going on at work about air-conditioning. Some buses have an airflow that goes around the passenger area and the drivers cab. Some of these buses can be modified, but some can’t. Those that can’t will be turned off. This is causing complaints about overheating in the warm weather. It’s not an easy situation.

Most of the staff that were off work have now returned although we do have staff furloughed and some still off sick, but nowhere near the amount we had just a few weeks ago.

It’s been a lovely day here today. Sunny and warm with afternoon temperatures reaching 82°F (27°C). It’s a warm dry evening too.

Getting some web work done this evening before turning in for the night.