
Getting Into 2025

The holiday season is well and truly over. We’re all back to work. The local school have re-opened, and the traffic in the mornings reflects that.

We’ve been slowly getting stuff done at home. We got new curtains ordered which, we’ve hung, and we’ve got a new curtain rod for the rear bedroom, which we’re going to put up this weekend, if all goes to plan.

Still have cabling to tidy up in the front room. We’ve had the TV hung on the wall. All the Christmas food and snacks have gone except for some crisps that are left over, which we are slowly munching through. The mince pies are finished. They take a while to go, as I am the only one that eats them.

I’ve taken the plunge, and found a good deal on a turntable, so it’s on order from Amazon. I’ve had my old vinyl lurking in the attic and the spare bedroom for so long, and I’ve been promising myself I would get to play them again. Now we have the Denon receiver, it’s just a case of buying and plugging in a turntable, so that’s what I’m doing. I’ll write more on this, once I have new equipment in place.

The weather is too darn cold for my liking. It’s not really risen above freezing point here all day, and at the time of writing it’s 2pm, so it’s not going to get any warmer now!

Oh well, perhaps I’ll have a warming beer on the way home.