
Bored? I Don’t Have Time For That!

Bored? I don’t understand that. While I will accept that some of the things one has to do in life can be darn tedious, I can’t ever say that I’m bored.

On the contrary, I find that twenty-four hours in a day isn’t enough.

I need to sleep, eat and work. That can take up to 20 hours a day, which doesn’t leave much time for anything else. When I have a day off, I never seem to find the time to do all the things I want to do. Catching up on overdue tasks and chores; more pleasurable things such as reading a new book, listening to music, watching a movie, having a meal out (or a meal in), a couple of hours in the pub, putting the world to rights over a couple of pints.

I can’t do anything that I WOULD find boring, but I’ve always got something to do!

First published at

5 replies on “Bored? I Don’t Have Time For That!”

I certainly feel the same way… Too much to accomplish, not enough time to get it done! Hope you are well, Ian.

Scratchin’ & Survivin’ – trying to make the most of the days I’ve been given.

I’m just starting a week’s leave. Well it was a week but it’s only going to be five days now!

Agreed. I gave up my paid employment at Christmas, and I still don’t have time to get bored, in fact I’ve never been busier and it’s great! I think that only boring people get bored! There’s always something to do and new places to explore.

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